The Zeus Thunderbolt

Originally, Zeus, the most powerful god of the Olympian gods, was not the master of Lightning, but of Thunderbolt. And that makes all the difference. Zeus’ thunderbolt was a handgun launching a fire snake, i.e. a death ray.

Zeus had received the weapon from the hands of the fabulous Cyclops, the Men of the Golden Race, improbable creatures whose size reached fifty-four yards. The Cyclopes were the masters of lightning. They also mastered the art of ironworks and electronic engineering: they knew how to make terrible weapons…  So they offered Zeus the weapon that made him almighty, the thunderbolt that kills or turns into god. 

Thor, the Norse god, had a magic weapon, a hammer that shoots lightning, capable of destroying armies and fortifications, but also able to rebuild the ruins. It was probably some technological weapon, whose memory has been transmitted to us distorted by myth. Thor, for some authors, would be a Nordic avatar of Zeus: no surprise if he mastered lightning. I think he is but a male avatar of the powerful Hathor, in whose name his name was drawn out.

I believe Thor never existed. He is the male ego facing the unacceptable reality of an all-powerful goddess, who mastered the lightning and thunder, and who was the undisputed mistress of the world. At that time, the smart guys had better watch out, the Matriarchs ruled.

Thunderbolt Vajra

By comparing the myths, we rapidly discover that the thunderbolt is a universal weapon, we could say it was the Gods’ Kalashnikov. “The thunderbolt, or Vajra, was the weapon of the god Indra; it was originally the lightning. A legend recounts the birth of the Vajra instrument, master of all weapons: the gods had confided  their arsenal to the first ascetic Dadhichi.

After having loyally kept it for a long time, Dadhichi changed his mind. Using his yogi powers, he dissolved the weapons in water, and drank it. Soon after that, the Asura Vritra came to challenge Indra. This one went to have his weapons back, and discovered they had been absorbed by the ascetic. 

Sacrificing Dadhichi was the only way to recover them. Encouraged by Dadhichi, Indra reluctantly killed him, and manufactured the Vajra with his spine. The extraordinary circumstances of its forging allowed the god to win the struggle, because Vritra had obtained from Shiva the promise that he could be killed only by an exceptional weapon, made of a unique material. Besides the fact that its power is unrivaled, the Vajra cannot be inappropriately used and always returns to his owner.

Indra’s Vajra may take different forms, a circle with a hole or a type of cross for instance. In the Rig-Veda, it was a bludgeon studded with multiple peaks. According to a buddhist legend, it was Sakyamuni who transformed the weapon into a peaceful tool, by bringing closer the ends of peaks.” (source)wikipedia The Vajra or thunderbolt evokes a taser or a laser gun. It launched deadly rays resembling to lightning, including the thunderlike sound of the blow.

But with Buddha, the weapon became soft and healing …


The legend says indeed that Buddha brought closer the peaks of the vajra, transforming then the lethal weapon into an instrument of healing. Since then, the ‘buddhist’ vajra with peaks put together became one of the main objects of worship of Tibetan Lamaism.

There are therefore two known uses of the vajra, it was first seen as a weapon, then thanks to Buddha, it became a sacred object, with a ritual function, but we still don’t know clearly what it is used for. Anyway, they still celebrate what was once a wonderful tool.

Let us look at the original myth. What great truth has been crystallized in?

Maybe this one: the Vajra, or the Ankh, or the Thunderbolt, was a handgun of the type of taser or ray-launcher. Sometimes the rays were fatal, sometimes beneficial. That’s why, rather than a weapon, it is better to call it a tool; because the Ankh could as well repair and destroy. It probably used the atmospheric electricity, that the Ancients called ether, also called geo-energy, or Vril.

There are reasons to believe the Ankh wasn’t invented by Egyptians. It is an Atlantis heritage. This symbol is present in different places all connected with ancient Atlanteans.

Calixtlahuaca, present day Toluca has one of the most mysterious objects discovered in Mexico. The Monument number 4, Cross Altar or Tzompantli share an incredible similarity to the Ankh cross in ancient Egypt. 

This is surprising only for specialists. Other people already know. Our Egyptologists, endowed with imagination and well ignorant pre-ancient customs, have classified Ankh in the category of symbols. The symbolism is a recent invention which began to be used when they do not understand a thing of the past.

The former gods who taught our ancestors were realistic and pragmatic enough. They had to deal with wild beasty people, our ancestry. Why did all the former gods handing Ankh? They are always represented with ankh in hand. Who do this with a symbol? A symbol is worn on one’s clothes like a badge or degree. Or it is a jewel around one’s neck. But carrying it ever in hand is a real annoyance when you must monitor or mater bellicose primitive beings.

On the contrary, what kind of thing a livestock guard always keeps with him?

Our Egyptologists are endowed with poor imagination since they were kept in ignorance of the pre-ancient manners by a weak, blind and castrating education. 


They therefore classified the handled cross or Ankh in symbols category. The symbolism is a recent invention which started when no one no longer understand a thing of the past.

Similarly, anthropologists have classified certain ancient texts in a drawer marked “myths”. It is a large tote in which they arrange texts or artifacts that do not fit their narrow vision of the human past.

If the Ankh were a symbol, why all these gods would they ever handle? A symbol is worn around the neck, belt buckle, or embroidered on the dress. What is always in hand, it is a handgun.

Generally speaking, the figurative hieroglyphics and the antique frescoes are not symbolical representations, but real pictures of a superior technology. Indra’s Vajra or Zeus’ Thunderbolt launched indeed lightnings sometimes beneficial, sometimes lethal. On the walls of the Egyptian temples, the god Ra, hawk-headed man, is shown with a red golden disc levitating above his head. Sometimes, some arrowheads point out of this disc, heading right on a particular character. Obviously, Ra commanded to a fireball of lauching its rays on the men he wanted to reward or punish.


So this god had a gun that launched rays.

Was this a technology technology related to lightning? Or using the power of quartz crystal, like the modern laser? A mix of both? Another thing, beyond our reach?

Anyway, we understand, thanks to the use of this modern weapon, that Ra or Rama was not a god but a prince of the previous civilization …


I’ve never done one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.
Albert Einstein